Which is nice because it's now T-minus 21 days and counting for my surgery. Yes, I have a date for my surgery: Monday, October 18. I'll be getting details about it after I meet with my surgeon this upcoming Wednesday.
My mother will be flying in on Sat, Oct 16 and will stay and help with my healing/recovery through Nov. 3. And because so many of our generous friends have asked me if I'll do another sign-up sheet for meals during the surgery recuperation, we have graciously and gratefully complied--here it is:
Surgery Sign-Up for Food Drop Offs
[We have felt sheepish about asking for food help and gifts a second time, but so many folks assure me that they like the sign-up sheet and want to help out. And since we are blessed with so many friends who are wonderful cooks, we are very appreciative of everyone's efforts on our behalf]
[UPDATE: TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, 6:30PM: We have so many generous friends/family! The sign-up sheet has been filled in record time--THANK YOU!]
So on the health front, I'm doing fine--still dealing with some fatigue/exhaustion, and my fingertips are still numb, but I'm looking forward to those symptoms subsiding and for my hair to finally start growing back!
Finally, in other breast-cancer related news, two events for folks who are local:
*Tuesday, October 12 @4pm at the Carolina Women's Center at UNC Chapel Hill
--I'll be part of a breast cancer awareness panel that is being sponsored by the CWC as part of their breast cancer awareness education month activities.
*Friday, October 15 @7pm. The Asian American sorority, alpha Kappa Delta Phi will be holding their annual charity ball at the Carolina Inn -- all proceeds will go to the Avon Foundation breast cancer awareness/research (for more info, see the flyer below)

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